60 Spiritual and Unique Biblical Boy Names
In Bible times naming a baby was a lot of pressure because a person’s name held a lot of value and would tell you a lot about them including their religion, personality, and sometimes even what they accomplished in their life.
These days names don’t define a person. We recognize that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, or by its name.
Still, a unique name full of spiritual meaning is important to a lot of parents and will certainly be a good start for a little one whom you want to move mountains.
If that’s you, then this list of spiritual and unique biblical boy names will be crucial to you finding the perfect name for your new addition.
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60 Biblical Boy Names for Babies
1. Abraham – A Hebrew name that means “Father of a multitude of nations.” In the Old Testament, God promised Abraham to make him the father of many. He is known as the founder of the Jewish people.
2. Adam – Adam means “Man of Earth” in Hebrew. Adam was the first man that God created. He was formed from the dirt of the ground and given the job of naming the animals and taking care of the garden of Eden.
3. Amos – Means “Borne by God” in Hebrew. The book of Amos in the Bible was written by the minor prophet Amos.
4. Andrew – Greek for “strong and manly.” In the New Testament, Andrew was a fisherman who left his occupation to follow Jesus with his brother, Simon Peter. What a strong name for a baby boy!
5. Asa – This unique name means “healer” in Hebrew. Asa was a king of Judah and is known for being a good king who followed the Lord.
6. Asher – Means “happy” or “blessed” in Hebrew. It is seen in the Old Testament and was the name of Jacob’s eighth son.
7. Barnabas – Barnabas means “song of encouragement” in Greek. In the New Testament, Barnabas was a fellow missionary and friend of Paul.
8. Benjamin – Hebrew for “son of the right hand.” In the Old Testament, Benjamin was Jacob’s youngest son. Benjamin became a tribe of Israel that was known for its courage and bravery. The name Benjamin is often shortened to Ben and a common nickname is Benny. What a great name for your new little man.
9. Boaz – Boaz means “strength” in Hebrew. This is a rather romantic name, as the book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells the love story of Ruth and Boaz. He was known for being an honorable man who cared for the ones he loved.
10. Caleb – Meaning “faithful,” “wholehearted,” “bold,” or “brave” in Hebrew. Caleb was one of the Israelites who spied out the promised land and was known as one of the good spies for being faithful to the Lord’s will.
11. Daniel – In Hebrew, it means “God is my judge.” Daniel is known in the Old Testament for being resolute in his beliefs, even to the point of being put in a lions’ den. God spared him from the lions and used him to become a prophet. He even wrote a book of the Bible named after him.
12. David – A Hebrew-derived name, meaning “beloved.” David the shepherd boy in the Old Testament remains faithful to God, defeats Goliath, and eventually becomes the King of Israel and is also the line of Jesus. The legacy behind this name would make it an amazing choice for a baby starting out on their own adventures.
13. Eli – Means “high” or “elevated” in Hebrew. Eli was a priest in the Old Testament. He later went on to train Samuel to take his place.
14. Elijah – Elijah means “Yahweh is my God” in Hebrew. In the Bible, Elijah was a prophet. He spent his life rooting out false worship of Baal amongst his fellow Israelites. He is well known for not actually dying in the natural sense. A chariot from heaven came and took him away in a whirlwind when his time came.
15. Elisha – Elisha is another name of Hebrew origin and means “God is salvation.” Elisha was Elijah’s predecessor in the work of being a prophet and worked to turn his people back to the Lord. He even performed some miracles!
16. Ethan – A tough biblical boy name that means “strong,” “firm”, “safe”, or “solid.” In the Old Testament, Ethan was a singer for King David and also wrote some Psalms of his own.
17. Ezekiel – A Hebrew name that means “strength of God.” Ezekiel was a prophet who wrote a book named after himself about how God will keep his promise to his people, the Israelites.
18. Ezra – Ezra means “help” or “aide.” The Old Testament prophet, Ezra, wrote a book of the Bible named after him, as well as Nehemiah, which is about the Israelites returning home to rebuild their city after exile.
19. Gideon – Hebrew for “one who cuts down.” Gideon was not only a judge and a prophet but also a military leader. He is known for trusting God’s guidance through battle no matter what.
20. Isaac – A Hebrew name that means “one who laughs” or “one who rejoices.” Isaac was Abraham’s son and he is known for almost being sacrificed on the altar as an act of obedience by Abraham until God saved him by providing a ram instead.
21. Isaiah – Hebrew for “God saves.” Isaiah was another Old Testament prophet and even wrote a book of the Bible which is named after him. He prophesied the coming of Jesus to the Israelites many years before it happened.
22. Israel – Means “Prince of God; he who wrestles with God.” Jacob was given this new name by God after he wrestled through the night and wouldn’t give up. The Israelite people became God’s people, whom he used to bring salvation through Jesus.
23. Jacob – Means “supplanted” or “deceiver.” Jacob is known for tricking his father to give him his older brother’s birthright. Later in life, God changed his name to Israel and he is in the lineage of Jesus.
24. Jared – Hebrew for “descendant.” Jared was a descendant of Adam and Eve and can be found in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.
25. Jebediah – Means “beloved friend” in Hebrew. Another variation of this name is Jedediah, which means “beloved of the Lord.” Both can be found in the Old Testament and would be perfect names for your little one.
26. Jeremiah – This name means “appointed by God” in Hebrew. Jeremiah was a prophet to the Israelites and wrote a book of the Bible named after him. He is nicknamed “the weeping prophet” because he had a lot of hardships in life and he always stayed obedient to God and had a tender heart towards his people.
27. Joel – Hebrew for “The Lord is God.” Joel was a minor prophet in the Old Testament and wrote a book named after him telling the people that the Lord would bring salvation if they would only turn to him.
28. John – John means “graced by God” in Hebrew. It is the fourth and final gospel in the New Testament. It also could refer to John the Baptist who was born before Jesus and prophesied his coming. John is a common Bible name and there are many Johns throughout.
29. Jonah – Jonah was a prophet. He is known for running when God called him to go to Nineveh and tell the people to repent their sins. God then caused Jonah to go overboard the ship he was on and be swallowed by a whale. Jonah survived, repented of his own sins, and was spit out by the whale. Jonah means “dove” in Hebrew. The story of Jonah is recounted in the Old Testament book named after him.
30. Joseph – Hebrew for “he will add.” In the Old Testament, Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob. He made a coat of many colors for Jacob. Jacob’s brothers sold him into slavery, but God helped him overcome his hardships and he became the second in command in all of Egypt.
31. Joshua – Means “God is deliverance” in Hebrew. Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land and also wrote a book of the Bible named after him.
32. Josiah – A unique biblical name that means “God supports and heals” in Hebrew. In the Bible, Josiah was a king of Judah and was known as a good king because he cleared out idolatry from his kingdom.
33. Judah – Hebrew for “thanksgiving” or “praise.” It is the name of a tribe of Israel, and Jesus is often referred to as the Lion of Judah.
34. Jude – A short and sweet Hebrew name for “praise.” It is also a book of the Bible believed to be written by Jude the apostle, possibly the brother of Jesus.
35. Levi – Means “united” or “joined.” One of the 12 tribes of Israel is called the Levites and they are known for being the tribe that helps with worship in the temple. In the Bible, Levi was the son of Jacob and Leah.
36. Luke – The Roman name Lucas, which is now Luke, means “light.” Luke is the third gospel. It is named after its writer, who was also a physician. Another form of the name Luke is Lucas.
37. Malachi – In Hebrew, Malachi means “messenger of God.” The book of Malachi in the Old Testament is a collection of stories about the minor prophets. Its author is unknown and the title, Malachi, indicates that little is known about him other than he was God’s messenger.
38. Mark – Mark is the second gospel named after its writer. Mark means “polite; shining” in Latin.
39. Matthew – Matthew is the first of the gospels in the New Testament named after its writer. Matthew means “Gift of God.” It is of Hebrew origin but also has newer English and Scottish roots.
40. Micah – Another book of the Bible named after its writer. Micah was a prophet and his name means “Who is like God?” A rhetorical question suggesting no one is like God.
41. Nathaniel – Hebrew for “given by God.” Nathaniel was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Some variations of Nathaniel are Nathan, Nathanael, and Nate.
42. Noah – Means “rest” or “repose” in Hebrew. It can also mean “peace.” In the Bible, Noah obeyed God and built the ark to save his family and the animals from a worldwide flood.
43. Obadiah – A super unique biblical name that means “servant of God” in Hebrew. The Old Testament book Obadiah was written by Obadiah the prophet and is about his vision from Yahweh.
44. Paul – Latin for “small” or “humble.” Paul is known in the Bible for his unique conversion, being the first missionary, and writing multiple books in the New Testament.
45. Peter – In Greek, Peter means “rock.” Jesus nicknamed Simon this name when he recognized that Jesus was God’s son. To quote the exact verse… “on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”(Matthew 16:18 ESV). In the New Testament, First & Second Peter were written by the disciple Peter.
46. Philip – A Greek name that means “warlike” or “lover of horses.” Philip was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus and so saw the life and ministry of Jesus first hand. This would be a wonderful name for a baby boy.
47. Rueben – Rueben means “behold a song” in Hebrew. We read in the Old Testament that Leah was Rueben’s mother, and she named him Rueben because she was so grateful and glad to give birth to a son.
48. Samson – A strong name that means “like the sun” in Hebrew. Samson was a prophet and warrior in the Old Testament. His hair was long and said to be very beautiful.
49. Samuel – Hebrew for “God has heard.” Samuel’s mother was barren and prayed every day for God to bless her with a baby. He blessed her with a baby boy so she named him Samuel since God had heard and answered her prayers! A perfect pick for those who’ve overcome fertility issues and finally had their prayers answered.
50. Seth – Hebrew for “appointed.” Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve, after Cain and Abel. He is also the only other child of theirs to be mentioned by name in the Bible.
51. Silas – A Greek and Latin name that means “wood” or “forest.” In the New Testament, Silas was a missionary alongside Paul and is known for being joyful and praising the Lord, even when they put him in prison.
52. Simeon – Hebrew for “listening” or “hearing.” The name Simeon is used multiple times in the Bible. Simeon was the name of an old gentleman who blessed baby Jesus at his presentation in the temple. The Latin version of this name is Simon.
53. Solomon – This name comes from the Hebrew word “shalom,” which means “peace.” In the Old Testament, King Solomon was King David’s son. He is known for being a man of great wisdom. He wrote the book of Proverbs, and also the book of the Bible, Song of Solomon, was written about him and his love.
54. Stephen – Greek for “wreath” or “crown.” Stephen was a deacon in the early church. He was stoned for his beliefs and became the first martyr. Surely when he entered the gates of heaven he was given a crown indeed!
55. Thomas – Means “twin” in Hebrew. Thomas was a disciple of Jesus and when Jesus was resurrected from the dead he doubted that it could truly be him. Jesus let him feel the nail scars in his hands and feet and Thomas doubted no more.
56. Timothy – Another name that is also a book of the Bible. In fact, it is two. First and Second Timothy were written by Paul to his younger brother in Christ, Timothy. It is a Greek name that comes from Timotheus and means “honor God.”
57. Titus – A unique and rare pick that is Greek for “of the giants.” In the early church age, Titus was a church leader, missionary, and companion of Paul. Paul wrote the book named after Titus, written to Titus, to teach him about positions in church leadership.
58. Zacchaeus – Hebrew for “pure” and “innocent.” In the Bible, Zacchaeus was a tax collector who heard Jesus was coming to town and climbed up into a tree just to get a glance of him. Jesus not only saw him but wanted to go to his house as a guest and teach him about the gospel.
59. Zechariah – Hebrew for “the Lord recalled.” In the Old Testament, the book Zechariah recounts the work of Zechariah, a minor prophet. In the New Testament, Zechariah was the father of John the Baptist whose mother, Elizabeth, was the virgin Mary’s cousin.
60. Zion – The name Zion is actually a geographical term used many times in the Old Testament. It means “holy place” or “kingdom of heaven.” Zion would be a good powerful name for your new addition.
What About You?
Which biblical names are your favorite? If you were going to name your baby boy after a bible character, which one would it be? Share your top spiritual and unique picks in the comments below and don’t forget to share this post with friends!
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